Hello there, thank you so much for visiting my site, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Daniel Carton, I’m from Scotland, currently live in sunny Spain, I moved here with my dad in 2007 when I was 13 years old.
I have been passionate about nutrition and wellbeing for a very long time, ever since I was 18 actually. I lost a ton of weight (40 kg) which changed my life.
You see, I honestly felt as though I was on my way to an early grave, I was heavily addicted to junk food, sugar, caffeine, and mildly addicted to alcohol.
I went cold turkey on everything and have maintained a healthy lifestyle ever since. Obviously there are times where I indulge in the odd “treat” of junk food, but I always say, it’s not about perfection, it’s abour making consistant healthy choices in the long run that make for a suatainable healthy lifestyle.
I love to help people, my goal on this website is to give free, hopefully helpful information about healthy living as well as offer my services to help those who need a helping hand with their health and wellness journey.
Below I’m going to include a little gallery of what I used to look like and my progress to today.